Garmin Bean Bag Mount Product Review

The most popular mount for a Garmin vehicular GPS is the Garmin Portable Friction Mount.  The mount is manufactured by Garmin and is an extraordinarily popular mount.  They officially refer to it as the portable friction mount but I still call it the Garmin bean bag mount.  It has been available since the days of the first Garmin Nuvi which ironically is the model shown in the photo that accompanies this review. The Garmin bean bag mount weighs 1.5 pounds.  The bottom of the mount features a rubber coated base which is designed to stay put in most normal driving … Read more

Mounting a Radar Detector Anywhere BUT the Windshield

Did you know that in some states it is illegal to have anything stuck on your windshield?  It you are in California or Minnesota and we hear it is starting in Florida, you will receive a ticket for having it attached to your windshield and you can read more about that here.  They don’t mind you having the detector, it’s where you put it.  Although, be aware, some states do mind if you have one of these, so be careful that you are using a detector where it is legal. While we find some radar detector manufacturers (like Escort) typically … Read more

Bracketron Nav-Mat Bean Bag Car Dash Mount

We have taken a look at several bean bag car dash mounts in the past.  The Bracketron Nav-Mat Bean Bag Car Dash Mount is another popular entry in the bean bag mount arena.  The mount is compatible with most GPS, phone and tablet suction cup mounts on the market.  It’s easy to use and one of the least complicated mounts available. The photo that accompanies this article is of a GPS mounted on suction cup then attached to the Nav-Mat bean bag car mount.  This depicts the typical setup of this mount. The concept is similar to a lot of … Read more

Arkon CM012 Friction Dashboard Mount Product Review

The Arkon Friction Dashboard Mount weighs in at roughly 1.5 pounds, is black in color and measures 8 x 7 inches.  These mounts are made to work in conjunction with your suction cup mount. The photo to the left features the Arkon friction mount with a suction cup attached that has a cradle for a Garmin Nuvi 200.  When you purchase the Arkon mount, the suction cup mount is not included, that was added by me for the photo. The mount features an attached 80mm smooth round plastic plate which is a bit larger than the diameter of most suction cup mounts. … Read more

Portable Car Dash Mounts

A portable car dash mount makes a lot of sense for several reasons.  Most obvious is that it’s always a good idea to avoid pasting anything permanently to your vehicle if possible.  While it can be removed, it involves some work as can be read in our article called Removing a Car Adhesive Dash Mount.  It’s been one of our most widely read articles since we first published it.  Second reason for a portable mount that a permanent mount is an indication to a potential burglar that you may have something worth stealing in your car.  Lastly, if you live in … Read more

Old School Garmin GPS Car Mounts and Holders

I remember my first GPS.  It was a Garmin Streetpilot III GPS.  These were large units. About the size of an average human foot.  Garmin provided an adhesive dash mount which was actually a good mount.  I remember when I replaced this GPS with a new Garmin Nuvi 350, I liked the mount so much more than the suction variety, that I used it for the Nuvi as well.  That was what I would call an old school Garmin GPS car mount. Back in the days of my old Garmin Streetpilot III GPS, the only company that made mounts for a … Read more