Tablet Mounts for Wheelchairs

I had to make several visits to a rehabilitation center last year.  I noticed a few patients getting around in wheelchairs with a tablet in their lap.  It didn’t look easy.  There appeared to be a fine balance between moving the wheelchair forward and not dropping the tablet.  These weren’t powered wheelchairs.  Today we’re talking about tablet mounts for wheelchairs. Mount Analysis A good wheelchair mount needs to be able to do a few things right.  First, it needs to be easily installed somewhere on the wheelchair without drilling holes.  I like to use clamp and vice bases for this application. … Read more

Tablet Mounts for Trucks and Rigs

Today’s topic is tablet mounts for trucks and rigs.  Mounting a device in a truck has unique requirements that differ from placing it in a car.  A truck has a much deeper reach to the windshield so a basic suction cup mount will prove to be inconvenient. Mount Analysis Most car mounts that are sold for tablets are a few inches long and will not suffice for use in a truck.  It’s difficult for a truck driver to reach forward that far so a suction mount that’s really long is what’s needed.  I have also found that truckers are more receptive to … Read more

Car and Truck Cup Holder Tablet Mounts

Car and truck cup holder tablet mounts have some unique requirements versus those made for a cell phone or GPS.  They need to be able to hold a heavier device so need to seat themselves more securely within the cup holder.  Cup holder tablet mounts also need to extend themselves higher than ones made for smaller devices.  In other words, cup holder tablet mounts need a longer neck to accommodate the larger size of a tablet.  Especially when you start looking at cup holder tablet mounts for devices as large as an Apple iPad Pro. Advantages of a Cup Holder … Read more

Tablet Mounts for Musicians

So here’s how I came up with the idea of  Tablet Mounts for Musicians. While sitting in a cafe during a trip to Europe, a musician with a guitar singing in Dutch was the main attraction.  Had no idea what he was singing, but noticed him looking down at the middle of the microphone stand while he was playing.  I was sitting in the back of the cafe because that’s where Americans sit when they sing in Dutch.  After an hour of this, I decided to beeline for the Men’s Room which was located at the corner and was able … Read more

Tablet Mounts and Stands for Kiosks and Point of Sale

I’m seeing a rapid deployment of tablets for commercial use and decided it was time for an article about tablet mounts for kiosks and point of sale applications.  The use of tablets in commercial retail settings vary from employee use for checkout (Apple Store), placing dessert orders (Chili’s) to placing order at mall kiosks. An everyday home mount for a tablet isn’t going to cut it in a commercial setting.  A mount or stand for a kiosk or point of sale has some important characteristics.  First and foremost, it needs to be easily accessible to the user, likely the customer. … Read more

Apple iPad and Tablet Living Room Mounts

Large tablets, especially the Apple iPad, have become a central point of entertainment and communications for many people.  That brings us to the topic of today which is Tablet Living Room Mounts. I was recently speaking to a friend who informed me that she doesn’t watch TV any longer.  I asked how she kept up on all the cool TV shows and movies.  She explained that she has a subscription to Hulu and watches the shows on her iPad.  She also explained to me how she lays down and balances her tablet on her legs.  Her idea is good in … Read more