Phone, GPS and Tablet Mounts for a Chevy Traverse

Like many SUVs on the market, the Chevy Traverse provides many options for mounting a GPS, phone or tablet.  The Chevy Traverse has a large interior and while there are a few locations that will not work, most places will work out just fine.  Good job Chevy. A photo of the interior of a Chevy Traverse accompanies this article.   The dash s large enough to access practically all popular locations that we typically recommend. A vent mount is probably the best for a phone or GPS.  The center vents in the Chevy Traverse are likely the best location. Consider the Andobil … Read more

Phone and GPS Mounts for a Chevy Camaro

To no surprise, the Chevy Camaro is a real challenge to mount a phone, GPS or tablet.  It has a very narrow interior with a lot of curves where there shouldn’t be curves (at least for mounting purposes).  While we are able to recommend a few good mounts for a phone or GPS, you can forget about a tablet.  There is no place to safely mount a tablet in a Ford Mustang. Mount Analysis We thought the Ford Mustang was difficult to find good mount locations.  This is even worse. Our usual photo of the interior of the vehicle accompanies … Read more

Phone, GPS and Tablet Mounts for a Chevy Malibu

The Chevy Malibu is a roomy but sporty sedan.  We took a look at what mounts will work and which ones won’t.  As usual, we found some good spots and a few that simply aren’t going to work. A photo of the interior of a Chevy Malibu accompanies this article.  A big roomy dash, well positioned cup holders, vertical vents. Let’s start with the mounts that will not work well. What’s missing from the photo with this article?  Did you figure it out?  No CD player.  We are fans of a good CD player mount but without a CD player, … Read more

Phone, Tablet and GPS Mounts for a Chevy Blazer

The Chevy Blazer is back.  It’s a big SUV with a few unexpected design twists that make mounting a phone, tablet or GPS a bit of a challenge.  Fortunately there are a still a few good mounting spots that we will discuss. Mount Analysis Our typical interior cockpit view of a Chevy Blazer accompanies this article.  Easy to access the windshield and that’s always welcome news.  The dash is nice and wide and will make a good spot for mounting a phone or GPS. The center vents are located in a very strange place all the way down by the … Read more

Phone, GPS and Tablet Mounts for a Chevy Equinox

Today we get a look at the interior of a Chevy Equinox and we’ll recommend some mount options for a phone, GPS and tablet.  The Chevy Equinox has surprisingly few choices for car mount locations. Mount Discussion A photo of the interior of a Chevy Equinox accompanies this article.  There’s not much to the interior dash.  Sometimes that’s good, sometimes not.  On a Chevy Equinox, it’s not so good.  You can see that the owner of this vehicle decided to glue his E-ZPass to the dash.  He should have read our article about E-ZPass Car Mounts. Using a windshield mount is … Read more