Lots of New TomTom GPS Models, Not a Lot of Mounting Options

A variety of TomTom AttachmentsWhere do we start?  TomTom has introduced so many new GPS units over the past six months.  We have difficulty keeping up with customer inquiries on new models.  As usual, this company makes a nice GPS. Roughly 10 models of the TomTom Via series, another ten for the TomTom GO.  And to add some additional confusion, the model numbers seem to overlap the TomTom XXL series (prompting a few to buy the wrong model accessories)

TomTom continues to be a prominent player in the GPS market.  Features are market leading and keep track fairly well with Garmin (the other market leader).

First let’s discuss the TomTom GO series.  New models introduced over the past year include:  Go 950, Go 940, Go 750, Go 740, Go 550, Go 540.  Wait we’re not done.  There is also the 2405, 2435 2505, 2535, and 1005.  By the way there are traffic and lifetime map versions of many of these.  What do they all have in common.  They use a powered cradle that can be removed from the mount.  The cradle can be inserted into many other mounts.  Some will use the vacated socket on the back of the cradle.  Some provide a bracket with a recess for the cradle.

Next let’s discuss the TomTom VIA series.  The big difference between the VIA and GO series – no cradle.  There is a socket on the upper portion of the GPS and the mount provided fits in there.  We have some personal experience with the VIA and the mount.  You need to have hands the size of 6-year old to use it effectively so considering a different mount might be a good exercise.  By the way, the VIA units use a micro-USB charger versus the typical mini-USB.  The VIA models include:  1535, 1535T, 1535M, 1535TM, 1505, 1505T, 1505M, 1505TM, 1435, 1435T, 1435M, 1435TM, 1405, 1405T, 1405M, 1405TM, 220, 180, 160, 125, 120, 110.  The T indicates a traffic enabled model and M means lifetime maps.  TM means you get both features.

Be aware that the ball sizes of the TomTom are a little less than the standard Garmin 17mm.  I don’t know why they chose to do this, I suspect so they could sell their own brands of mounts.  If that were the case, you would think they would have designed some better mounts.  While I suppose third party sellers are ecstatic over that fact, I can’t believe that TomTom management is terribly pleased.  A little more work on the accessories made by TomTom would pay off thousand fold because let’s face facts, everyone buys accessories for their GPS.