Speaking to a relative who just purchased a new car, she noticed that her front bumper was scuffed up and couldn’t understand how it happened. She was a little annoyed thinking that someone in the parking lot hit her car. A week went by and she realized the problem was that she was hitting the wall in front of her bumper as she was pulling in. She told me that the length of her new car is a little longer than the old one and that it is difficult to see in front of the hood of her car. We have all done it. Pulling your car into the garage and trying to make sure that the garage door doesn’t strike the back of your car. Inching up a little too much and bam, you just hit the front wall in your garage.
The Striker Concepts Parking Attendant Garage Parking Sensor is one device that be used to avoid this and avoiding the potential car repair bills associated with hitting the wall. Using the Parking Attendant Garage Parking Sensor is easy. The device consists of a range sensor attached by cable to a light. You set the distance that you want your car to park away from the sensor. As you begin to pull into the garage, do it slowly, you will see the lights change from green to yellow to red. Green means keep pulling forward. Yellow indicates that you are from 1-3 feet of your ultimate target distance. Red means stop, you have arrived at the chosen parking spot in your garage. The Parking Attendant Garage Parking Sensor will mount to a wall, bench, or any anyplace where it has a clear view of car’s bumper and it is powered by battery.
Another way to park easily in your garage is to use the Homebrite Park n Place. This device consists of a giant stop sign attached to a flexible pole and base. It is placed in front of your car where you would like the vehicle to stop. Keep pulling up until your vehicle makes contact with the sign. When you make contact, the sign lights up and moves because you just hit it. Easy and straightforward. While this device may not have all of the bells and whistles of the previous item, it serves the purpose of warning you when you are approaching the wall. The Park n Place is powered with batteries.
For low tech solutions, use the Maxsa Parking Mat. Figure out where your front tire would rest when it is parked properly. Place the mat there. There are two bumps within the mat. The first, smaller bump lets you know you have approached the mat and the second larger bump so that you know you are in the right place to stop. This parking mat has a anti-skid tape to keep it in place so be sure that the spot you are placing it is clean prior to placement. There is a drop tray to help prevent snow from reaching the floor. No lights, no batteries, just a bump added to your garage floor. You need to be aware of the presence of the bump to use it effectively.
All of these solutions are effective for pulling up properly within your garage and the ultimate selection is a matter of preference and how much technology you wish to introduce to an age-old dilemma.